The Spoiler

Revelation 20:3b that he should deceive the nations no more

I borrow only enough of yesterday’s ending scripture to highlight the issue of deception. Satan play’s the spoiler by means of deception, lies, and appetites. It feels good therefor is must be good. Here is the secret to the first issue of salvation, a turning of sorts by the power of God through the Holy Spirit as an external force. A longing for us by God to create in us a longing for Him.

Sin will no longer be as pleasing and satisfying as it once was for you. That process can take on many forms because pleasure can also take on many forms. The one unchangeable law of sin is consequences. There will always be consequences for sin. Now I will reuse a word I used earlier, rebellion. When it comes to consequences, sin will say, I will have my way regardless of the consequences. That’s rebellion in its raw form. “I will have my way regardless of who gets hurt.” Another form of that is “I am only hurting myself.”

This touch of the Holy Spirit is the first offerings of salvation, the removal of the pleasure of sin. Once again, going back to my original thoughts on the subject, there is awareness, acceptance and then choice. You first must become aware of this displeasure. You must accept it is real, true, and not just an emotion. Then you need to make a choice to do something about it. The method of choice is tricky because if you have not heard about God’s plan for you, you might choose another. There are many choices out there, but only one method leads to God.

The same method by which the Holy Spirit communicates dissatisfaction to you is the answer to the way out. You might not yet understand that, even after responding to it.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

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