Set Aside

Matthew 20:17 (ESV) And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside, and on the way he said to them,

Jesus took His disciples to a private place to share information with them that served a purpose. It is obvious to us now because all this has been revealed in His Word. At the time that Jesus set them aside it served a personal purpose that was meant for just those disciples for that specific time.

I do not deny that we all love to share what the Lord has said to us. He does so with purpose. In my past I have been zealous to share and my words fell on deaf ears. I had not seen the purpose behind that which was revealed to me. Wisdom not only comes with age, it also comes by making mistakes. Those mistakes were made because I had not found my purpose in kingdom living.

Hebrews 5:14 (ESV) But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

Serving God’s purpose is good. Serving self-interests is wrong.

Have you discovered your purpose in Christ? I am not talking about your purpose in life. I am talking kingdom living which is not the same. I once thought my purpose in life was my job and then I had children. Then I thought my purpose in life was being a father. Then I was saved and I thought my purpose in life was to learn everything I could about God.

If you see the trend towards believing what you think, I have made my point. People change and what people see as important changes. Part of that is maturity and part of it is circumstance. We do not all mature at the same rate. We do not all have the same circumstances.

Finding your purpose in Christ provides stability that living in the world cannot provide.

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