
John 10:10a The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:

This is Satan’s reputation. We identified him as the thief yesterday, not by name so much as his own internal conversation.

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:” He wanted the throne. Wanting something that is not rightly yours is covetousness and the root cause of theft. Having been cast out from the presence of God into the dust of this earth, he was left with no option towards his desire other than thievery.

Secondary to that result, he carried with him that attitude of distain for everything created. Satan hates us. He even hates those who serve him because everything in creation was beneath him. Note here that God is not the creation but rather the creator.

Satan lacked the ability to create, which brought him up short of being God. Since he cannot create, he corrupts. Satan is the original spoiled sport, sore loser. Those who cannot build destroy. Now we are left with one probing question upon which most people fail to ask or understand. Why did God cast him to the earth?

We answered that yesterday, without really asking the question.

I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.”

Not many of us look at Satan as a shining example of what happens when we do not appreciate what we have and fail to give glory and thanks to God who gives us His blessing. Grace and mercy are easy to be grateful for because we did not earn them. All this other stuff we work hard for, it is ours, we deserve it.

Sorry, wrong attitude, another of Satan’s lies.

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