Be Careful

Acts 24:8 Commanding his accusers to come unto thee: by examining of whom thyself mayest take knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him.

Accusations are the weapons of the enemy. It is so easy to lean towards accusations when you see disturbing behavior and you do not know the reasons behind the actions of others. We all have a reason for why we behave as we do. When I do not know a person well enough to have that frank honest discussion, I am allowing my personal fears to cloud my judgment.

I do not want to judge anyone. I have to be honest with myself here, doubt leads to mistrust and mistrust leads to fear. Where is God in all that?

What my heart tells me is that there is rift in the bond of peace where fellowship should be smoothing out the wrinkles. If I were in a Star Wars movie I might say there is a disturbance in the force. Being ill at ease is a cause for prayer within my soul.

God may very well be at work in this situation. Just because I do not see it or feel it, does not mean God has forsaken us. Care must be taken not to drive off anyone in need of God’s love, peace and joy.

Let not my doubts be seen as unbelief. May my prayer be for the Lord to move us to love better and let love do the work it has promised us it will do. Change lives. Amen

Let it begin in me.

Blaming God

Exodus 4:11 And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord?

If all you want to do is blame God for everything bad in the world, you can stop right here. You need not go any further. If that is all you want.

All I want is to be out of pain. Getting out of pain does not remove the pain. When you are in pain that is all you can see. There is nothing else. The pain blinds you from seeing anything else.

What if I told you that the next thing God said to Moses is the answer to your pain? Would you accept the answer?

God said, “I am with you, we will get thru this together.”

That isn’t what you wanted to hear. You didn’t want to be joined in your pain, you wanted it removed. You cannot see the truth in what God is offering. You would rather suffer the pain and blame God than walk with Him through your pain and discover who God truly is in the midst of all you are suffering.

Earthly pain and suffering is shortsighted, it only sees this moment and has no real concept of the true danger, the ultimate pain, the ultimate suffering, and it screams deal with me now.

God knows you are broken hearted and He wants to heal that broken heart. You will never move beyond your pain and suffering until you allow God to heal your broken heart. It cannot be healed by guilt, judgement, hate or fear. Only God’s great love for you can heal your broken heart. How can you accept it if you cannot see it?

Look past your pain and stop blaming God.

“I will not leave you nor forsake you.” Saith the Lord.

Daily Christian Devotionals