No Evil

1 Corinthians 13:5d Love does not think evil

Have you ever thought of sinning? Come on now, be honest! Not that you would move on it, allow something to actually happen, but just to think about it. It is very hard to keep all your thoughts pure as a new born babe. That is not thinking evil is it? If it is then we all might well be in trouble.

When compared to our holy and righteous God everything seems evil and in reading God’s word I find no distinction of evil, just the word itself. Even doing a deeper study of evil does not render an easy answer. Evil is divided into two categories, moral and natural.

The intentional violation of our moral code would be considered evil. Intent is harder to prove than the act itself. God provided sanctuary cities for those who killed another person unawares, without intent. Once again, intent is difficult to prove.

Willful intent seems to be at the center of this verse. If we willfully sin, it would qualify as evil even if the natural laws would not speak to the act. We have freedom of speech here in America but willful intent to speak badly of another person, God would consider evil.

The final analysis of evil, which is ill-defined at best, rests in the courts of heaven. Love is demanding, and tempers our very thoughts. What the courts of man might allow, God demands more of us.

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

You do not have to perform the act to be in violation of the law of love.

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