
Galatians 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

I spent three years writing “Walking in the Spirit”. I wrote it as I walked it out, one experience after the other. I had hoped to use it as a manual to help others in learning how to walk in the spirit. As I read and reread that work I find nothing that explains how to walk in the spirit.

I lived it out, I walked it out but I could not write it out. It is nothing more than a collection of truths. If I had to use one word that summed up how to walk in the spirit, I guess it would be surrender. That word tells you what to do but does not tell you how to do it.

Recently I tried writing a devotional about clinging to an ideal. I trashed it, but one visual from that writing I held onto and will share with you here in this life we live. That is of a young child clinging onto the leg of a father with all joy, love and excitement. The child sits on the father’s foot as dad walks around the room.

In some ways that is a better picture of walking in the spirit than the thirty-four thousand seven hundred and twenty-four words I used to try and explain it. It is in the truest sense us going on that joy ride, where we are nothing more than a passionate passenger. What we cling onto may be different for each of us. For some it may be a doctrine, for others a theology, and for others it may be emotional or even irrational. The issue of what makes you cling so closely to the Father is not as important as the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control you experience while clinging on with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

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