
1 Corinthians 13:4b Love is … kind

Kind is one of those subjective words. What you consider to be a kind gesture or word is left to the feelings or emotion of the recipient. It is beyond your ability to do anything accept have good intentions. God is perfect in performance and His kindness never misses the mark. So how do we release the kind which is more than just good intentions?

The only way to be sure is to be sensitive to the leans of the Holy Spirit. Even the most mature Christians can mishear that “still small voice”. The best advice I can summon is to know the person as thoroughly as you can. Good fellowship removes many of the misunderstandings that occur among us.

What if you are a kind person by nature? How do we discover God’s kind love in us given that we are naturally kind? If you are a naturally kind person, how consistent is that kindness? Are you kind to everyone or are there some people where you just have to bite your tongue? I know that feeling. Try as I might not to be judgmental, there are some I just avoid for just this reason. God doesn’t do that. His love, being perfect does not change from person to person.

I’ve seen the sweetest mothers turn into a lioness when she perceives her cubs are under attack. Are we like that? They crucified His Son whom the Father sent to save them. Knowing that makes it difficult for me.

Romans 14:15 (modifed) For if your brother is grieved by what you [do], you are no longer walking in love. By what you [do], do not destroy the one for whom Christ died.

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