
1 Corinthians 13:4c love does not envy

May I plead guilty here and just be done with it? Over the years what I am envious of has changed but it is still envy. I am envious of a man who seems to remember everyone’s name. It is a weakness of mine and I know it is important in relationships to remember names. It is a gift I do not have and hard as I try I don’t seem to be able to master it.

I envy the preacher who can hold a congregation on the edge of their seat waiting for his next word? I envy the teacher that quotes verses with accuracy, chapter and verse. I envy the ones who have a line waiting to greet and converse with them.

I also recognize why I envy others. My primary need is attention. That stems from an early childhood that did not get the right kind of attention. Knowing that, I try to avoid letting my needs color the moment.

Paul said we should covet earnestly the best gifts, then he said, let me show you a better way. Those words were the preamble to this very topic, love. So it is not wrong to be desirous of a godly thing. This leaves only one question; how do you go about getting the best gifts?

The answer to that and almost all of our godly questions is; a sincere and deeply meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Having that, you need not be envious of anything or anyone.

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