
Excuse me if I do not quote any bible verses today.

We all know what a dictionary is used for, right? First it is a reference source. We refer to it to settle confusion as to meaning. We even have English to Spanish dictionaries in order to better understand what someone in another language is saying.

Dictionaries change over time. New words and definitions are added as needed to expand the references as those words are used in common speech. Use a new word that is made up and gain enough usage, it will be added to the dictionary. Some words have been so misused and abused even the alternate pronunciations are added. It is now acceptable to pronounce ask, axe.

God does not change, his meanings do not change, but our language does. So how are we to know what God meant when he said it, if man keeps changing the meanings of words? We cannot all be Hebrew, Chaldean, Greek, Latin and Aramaic scholars. Others have, many others over the years have done exactly that. Surprise, surprise, they do not always agree.

So what do we do with the unchangeable God, whose mind, will and intentions are sovereign, immutable, and everlasting? How do we know?

I start with my point of reference. My understanding comes from common use within the framework of the life I have lived. Being from Maine it did not take me long to realize that when I was stationed in Georgia that speech is not the same everywhere. Clarity of understanding had to come through a commitment of relationship. You have to care enough to put in the time and allow a deeper understanding come from a personal relationship.

How committed are you with your personal relationship with God?

How do you treat others that are not as committed as you?

How do you treat those who are more committed than you?

Depends on your relationship, doesn’t it!

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