
Matthew 21:29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went.

I am not going to apologize for not writing a blog yesterday. While some may come to expect that I will provide a blog every day, my commitment to write was unto myself. I have not sworn before God nor have I said to my readers that I would. So I have nothing to apologize for.

I do find it encouraging that at least one read said he was worried about me when I did not post a daily blog. I appreciate his following. I appreciate those who come when they can. The issue here today isn’t about what I said I would or would not do. This issue isn’t about what I do or do not do. The issue is of the heart.

I’ve been tired all week. I’ve worked in the heat of the day until I was on the edge of passing out. I committed to a word I gave and I would not stop until the deed was done. I gave my all. I suffered. It was Saturday. Tired, worn out, hurting, I had finished. I was spent and I did not want Saturday. I prayed, “Lord if it is possible, let not this day happen. I don’t want to do it.” But it did. It did so at the cost of this blog because my heart just wasn’t in it.

Today I woke up and a joyous expectation of today greeted me. I am looking forward to this day. I am the same guy, same pain, and the same troubles as every day last week. So why the difference in attitude? The simple answer is I am human. You don’t make apologies for being human. What others expect from us is consistency. Yet isn’t having an occasional bad hair day consistent with being human?

So I will save my apologies for when I have offended someone or failed to meet a commitment. I won’t apologize for being human. And if I am having a bad hair day, don’t take it personally, it isn’t about my love and commitment to you. Its just hair.

4 thoughts on “Apologies”

  1. You just “MADE MY DAY”!!! One of great admirations I have for you, is that you are just who you are. I love that transparency and it so becoming to a servant of the Lord. “I thank my God for every remembrance of you”. Philippians 1:3. Keep looking up and going on.

  2. Just had to make another comment on this article….HAIR??? This cracked me up…so thankful that you have it to talk about!! When it comes to my hair, God says He has them all numbered, but even I can count them too, now. Loved it!! Enjoy the day…this is the day that the Lord has made.

  3. I have a picture of you and Dorothy that you sent some time ago. As one balding senior to another, all I can say is “bald is beautiful” …..I didn’t coin that phrase, just borrowed it. Thanks for the privilege to interact. I love your blog spot and thank our Lord continuously for your faithfulness in posting…..it is a big task day after day, and our Lord has richly provided. I pray for you daily, and the Lord has graciously answered my prayers.

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