A New Day

2 Corinthians 4:16 English Standard Version (ESV) So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.

This is the language of a mature believer in Christ. We can identify that maturity in the way they talk and write. The issue of getting older or wasting away as he expresses it, is a separate issue from his spiritual life. The spirit does not age.

The inner man is led by the spirit and now that the older we get the more important it is to allow the inner man to be renewed daily. This is a lesson which young people do not think about until they reach a certain level of spiritual maturity. Life is full of promise for strong young bodies.

Youth are divided up into two groups. Those tend to the needs of the body and those who tend to the needs of the inner man. Hopefully the former will discover their inner being. We tend to be soulish because the soul is composed of the mind, will and emotions of a person. It is all we have known since birth.

Being born again we have this inner child that needs spiritual nourishment to mature. If we neglect that feeding of the inner being, the soul we continue to make all the decisions.

The inner self is where we will discover where we are in Christ. It will determine who we are in Christ.

The soul can be fed by all different experiences. The wonders of nature feed the soul and there are many cares to be found there. Science is a wonderful field of discovery and cna be a useful avenue of employment. We do not become doctors without science. We live a life full of soulful endeavors but have we done so to the point we have starved the inner man?

The inner man is only fed by His Holy Word. The inner man can only mature by being fed a proper diet of the Word.

Find the inner being by feeding on the Word.

Jesus said “I am the bread of life.”

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