The Plagues

Exodus 3:14 English Standard Version (ESV) God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”[I am, That, I am] And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

When a secular search is made of the plagues of Egypt we might find an opinion that the ten plagues match ten gods of Egypt. The reasoning being that in those plagues God was showing Himself to be the God above all gods and that He alone was in control of their destiny.

Since this is a spiritual journey let us not settle on secular opinions, reasoning and theories.

Israel was enslaved by those who worshipped false gods. There is no indication that they themselves or that any of the slaves being held worshipped false gods. What held them in place was a very human condition and that was the will of a people to exert their power over others.

How does this relate spiritually to anyone in these times in order to relate to the need to be set free?

Most people who come to Christ do not consider themselves to be slaves. We are all free to make choices for ourselves and it seems that our choices have led us to a place of discomfort and a desire for change. But how does this relate to the plagues?

We are held captive by the influence of others. We might not see that they serve false gods or even give them a name, but it is no less true just because we do not recognize the situation. The Prince of the Power of the Air only has influence to enact his evil plot to keep us from worshipping the One True God, the God above all gods. The lost might not believe in Satan, they might only see the influences he has thrust upon us by reason of desires of the flesh.

It is in the breaking of those influences that we can come to see our salvation is at hand.

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