
1 Timothy 3:10 And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless.

Blameless? I thought we were all sinners saved by grace? We are and this blameless is not about sin. It is about having a proper understanding of the Word of God and the role the Word plays out in our lives.

How do you know if your personal theology is sound or not? It will never be tested if all you do in Sunday school is take notes and keep to yourself. A testing of your understanding of the Word and how it works out in your life cannot be done in silence.

Taking a test and getting a grade only proves you can pass a written test. How do you respond in the world when tested by temptation or opposition? Are you easily swayed by the convincing words of people of high intellect and no moral character? Is pure logic your master? Do you absolutely have to understand with a high degree of confidence before you are willing to do what is right?

Being tested is both understanding and action. If your actions belie your faith, what good does your faith do anyone? There are reasons the ungodly call us hypocrites. The first reason is because they have no idea what it means to be a Christian. The second reason is because our actions do not match our words.

There is a sound reason why the bible says not to swear an oath. God and the ungodly will both hold you to it.

Like it or not, you will be tested.

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