
Acts 1:6 English Standard Version (ESV) So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?”

The disciples have just received the Holy Spirit from Jesus and have entered into the Kingdom of God.

They have retained their memories and feelings about the old life they lived in the world. They were not even aware that they had been “born again”. They had not experienced what it meant to have the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit within them. That is the same for all of us, our lives change but for the most part we are unaware of it because of the retention of our humanity. We did not stop being human just because we became sons and daughters of God by adoption.

What Jesus spoke to them about next did not answer their concerns. It was the right answer to the wrong question. Later, when the Holy Spirit moved in power, they understood.

Some may understand they have entered into the Kingdom of God and that their new life has begun even if they have not experienced it in the power of the Holy Spirit. Then their question about their former lives might be about those whom they have left behind. “What about the ones I love?”

While Jesus said not to love mother and father more than Himself, He did not say to stop loving them. In fact His instructions are clear that we are to love everyone in ways we never could love before. We are to love others from a better place, His Kingdom.

Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians said “Let me show you a better way.” Then he penned the attributes of agape love, a love so perfect that it seems impossible to perform. But that is OK because His love has conquered us. Just as the disciples had not control over their tongues on the day of Pentecost we have no control over the abiding love that dwells in our hearts by faith. He can love perfectly even if we do not perceive it.

We cannot stop God from being God.

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