
1 Corinthians 2:9d English Standard Version (ESV) what God has prepared for those who love him”—

What has God prepared for us? Do we know by seeking our own desires or by seeking to receive what God has prepared?

This all comes back around to being conformed to the image of the living Christ. The tendency is to look at the life of Jesus and decide who He was in life and to make every effort to duplicate a life we could never achieve in the first place.

This ignores God’s effort to conform us according to His will, His plan and His presence. It is God who changes us and not by our self-effort. Everything we were taught in our old life says to take charge, make a decision and make it happen. If the old man is truly dead, then dead men do not make decisions. He who sits on the Throne is Lord and makes decisions and gives commands. He is the Lord.

Giving over control of our lives is not an easy thing. If we came to Christ because we saw that we ruined our life in those things we chose to do, then accepted that He has a better way.

1 Corinthians 12:31b English Standard Version (ESV) And I will show you a still more excellent way.

These were Paul’s last words before he writes the love chapter, Corinthians 13. Remember what was said about knowledge and love. Seek to know the love that abides in us. These are the attributes of His abiding love and they are performed by Him who is perfect and not by some human effort that has a long history of failing. It is as simple as letting go and letting God. Letting go of control is the hard part.

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