Let it Be

Colossians 3:17 English Standard Version (ESV) And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Why are you there? By there I mean with a body of believers, or alone. Everyone has a reason to be there. Personally I have been attached in one way or another to seven different administrations of the Christian faith. It has always been Christian.

At times between those different churches I have been on my own. Yet I was not alone. During those times I witnessed to neighbors and on the internet. My connection with internet witnessing has had a long history. It began with chat rooms.

Chatrooms invites in all kinds of vicious attacks from a variety of unbelievers. What is lacking in that arena is the essence of deeds. With neighbors I could see their struggle and those deeds were readily available. It is nearly impossible to have deeds with mere words.

Paul’s greatest contribution to the body of Christ was perhaps his epistles that form the bulk of the New Testament and gives structure to our churches today. Being placed under house arrest and then prison was the reason his ministry was limited to the written word.

But is that true? We know little of the personal contact Paul had with other prisoners and his jailers. Just because we are not left with a record of great accomplishments during those times does not mean that God didn’t use him in deeds.

During this current season I find myself once again left with words. The face of our churches has been altered by this pandemic, but they are still seen and they still have deeds. It is not as public as before but circumstances do not deter the will of God.

What are your opportunities for words and deeds?

God does not stop just because of a slowdown in the world around us.

One thought on “Let it Be”

  1. Thanks, dear brother for the challenge of our words and deeds. After the Lord took my dear wife HOME, I said, “Lord Jesus, what do You want me to do”? He has kept me so busy that I don’t have time to be lonesome. God always has something for us to do, all we need is Isaiah’s willingness..”Here am I, send me”.
    Thanks again, and may God continue to bless you and your service for Him. Praying for you and your dear wife.

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