
Galatians 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.

Our pastor will often send us home with homework assignments. It is perhaps a chapter in the bible, or verses relevant to the object of the sermon, and there is no specific assignment other than reading.

Imagine if you would what it would look like if the whole congregation came back the next Sunday turning in their homework. This verse in Galatians sounds like that, does it not?

Perhaps the pastor’s intentions are only to encourage the congregation to read more than they do. That is fine but this is one thing I do not need. I am up early every morning reading His word. Listening, discovering, seeking, and then hopefully doing.

This Galatians 6:6 communication is vital to those who teach us not just for our own growth but for the teachers themselves. So often we only think about our part in a homework assignment that we fail to understand the significance of turning in the homework.

Those who teach in our churches do it not just because they are called to do it and gifted to do it, but because they love God and they love you. They serve both God and you. The response to love should be love. Keeping teachers apprised of your growth in Christ is the only way to show your appreciation for all they do for you.

Teachers want to know their lesson plans are effective, that fruit is seen, which is solely based in communication. Our spiritual teachers are not sitting home at night with a red pencil grading papers. Your spiritual teachers are praying for you. Their issue is not right and wrong answers, it is growth in Christ for you, and that isn’t seen on paper. Anyone can take a test, but can you translate that into how you live for Christ.

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