
Luke 17:26 English Standard Version (ESV) Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.

The people that were taken in the flood of Noah’s days did not have any idea what a flood was or that it was coming. Noah was warned and prepared.

We are warned about the coming of the days of the Son of Man. It will not be another flood for God has promised but the warnings signs are given to us in order for us to prepare.

What do we do if we know a flood is coming? We look to protect those things we care about the most. In a water flood we take stock of the things that are irreplaceable first. We have spent a lifetime together and over the years there will be things that we will miss if we do not attempt to take them with us.

This coming flood will not be one of water yet the sense of loss is the same. So we should examine that which is dear to us and do everything we can to try and take them with us. Have our children accepted Christ? Have our siblings accepted Christ? Have our dearest friends found Christ?

We will not to be allowed to take our photographs, books, records or jewelry with us come this next flood. We will see at some point that we are to be taken up in safety ourselves and then it will be too late to gather our cares.

Now comes the more difficult caring. Have you shown Jesus to those you hate? Jesus loves them even if we do not. Nothing is going to change what is coming, but we might be able to make a difference in a life that is being lived out in these days. Luke 17:26 says the days of the Son of Man which leads us to believe that even as we see that day approach there is still time to tell others of Jesus Christ.

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