
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

My wife comes from a different school of instruction in the Word of God. The glaring errors, while obvious to me, are not so obvious to her. We have been over one specific issue of error several times during the course of our marriage. My correction of those errors has not affectively removed the haunting stain which plagues her soul.

Recently the God of my salvation offered up a subtle if not puzzling “Hmmm” over something I had written. Yes it came from a trusted friend and the grace administered in the questioning said it needed further investigation. In the process I discovered the same flaw in myself that existed in my wife. I allowed flawed teaching to influence me unjustly. I also needed correction.

Do we sit and listen to those who sound knowledgeable without balancing their words against the Word of God itself? Blatant errors must not go unchallenged and there is a proper way to address those issues. A perfect understanding by an imperfect creature is impossible without the help of the author. God inspiration sets the Word on paper. God defined is the test of truth. We are human and as such prone to failed memory, misunderstanding, and outside influences by people we might admire.

Our admiration of a speaker does not make his or her words true.

Now I must undo the error in my own devotional. Correction has been sent but here is the thing and you need to ask yourself this. Is the correction offered the truth? Only God’s Word can tell you.

I begin the correction tomorrow.

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