Cock Crow

Mark 14:72 English Standard Version (ESV) And immediately the rooster crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down and wept.

A cock crowing is a wakeup call. This is not so much about denying Jesus as it is about that wake up call. We all get busy. We all have responsibilities. We all have concerns. How does the love of Christ fit into our daily plans?

It is so easy to let thoughtless routines become autonomic, being done without having to think. There is also something called autonomic dysfunction and here are some of its symptoms; dizziness and fainting upon standing up, or orthostatic hypotension. an inability to alter heart rate with exercise, or exercise intolerance.

Have we gotten to the point where we are intolerant of exercising our faith? When we do this the Holy Spirit will create in us a wakeup call. This inability to alter ones heart rate can be seen as not getting excited to exercise our faith. We get complacent, lose are zeal, and forsake worship.

Hebrews 10:25 English Standard Version (ESV) not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

This habit is nothing new. The first century church experienced it as evidenced here. Let me point to the last part of this warning. It is even more important as the Day approaches. What day is that? The Lord’s Day. We spoke recently about that day seen in Ezekiel 14.

I understand that this day has been looked for with eagerness ever since Jesus ascended the throne. It is now nearly 2000 years later and we are closer now. How close is that day? What does it matter, the warnings are as valid if not more so than they were back then. We need to look within ourselves, as Peter did and see if perhaps we need a wakeup call.

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