According to God

Ephesians 1

4a According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world

5b according to the good pleasure of his will

7b according to the riches of his grace;

9b according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

11b according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

19b according to the working of his mighty power,

Please note that I am not addressing the subject matter at hand here but rather trying to understand how it might sound to the lost or even the weak in faith. The tone of speech here can be viewed as favoritism. For those who do not know God at all, or are just getting to know Him for the first time, this might come across as discrimination of the worst kind.

I have spent the last few weeks trying to illuminate God’s character, personality, nature and His relationship with His creation. It is vital to have that proper understanding in order to prevent negative emotions from surfacing. The enemies of the Cross and those weak in the faith will often argue emotionally.

Satan would have you turn your back on God and stop listening. Those negative thoughts delight the enemy. This is why I ask you to know God in all His ways so that you can weigh your thoughts in your studies against your knowledge of who God is in truth.

If your studies lead you to say in your heart, “That doesn’t sound like the God I know!”, re-evaluate your thoughts and pay closer attention to your studies to see God’s person in them.

3 thoughts on “According to God”

  1. If I would say “according to my power, my riches,” you would exhaust either one very quickly. But not so with God!
    Thx for all those according to’s.

  2. A wise and retired pastor with a young pastor. The young pastor didn’t have a lot of fancy anecdotes memorized, but he really wanted to reach the lost.

    The elder simply said, “Preach the Word.”

    Romans 10:17
    “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

    We preach the Word (which is a loaded gun) and God touches the heart. We don’t save anyone. God does. We don’t always see immediate results.

    As an unbeliever, words from the pulpit meant nothing to me, and there were times I’d feel justified to punch any do-gooder in the nose. It was a relationship with two twin brothers, both Catholic priests in Portland, who befriended me and prayed for me. The words I’d heard in my childhood began to penetrate.

    I don’t say this to negate what you’ve written. But all hearts have to be prepared by God in order to receive. Though the Word of God comes with authority, until the heart is first touched (the ground becomes broken up), the Word will remain patient. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman.

  3. Excellent point Ern, but that is “ground” I have already tilled.

    Tomorrow’s offering will address an issue of order.

    Tilling ground where planted seed have taken root uproots the plant.

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