3 Way

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Think three way bulb right now. You make that first click and a low wattage illumination is created. Turn it again and the light amplifies. Turn it the third time and you have maximum illumination.

If you compare the first turn to the way, the second the truth and the third to the life, you might recognize a better and brighter relationship with God the Father.

What about the last part of John 14:6, no one comes to the Father except by Jesus? How does that relate to the three way bulb?

Ever put a three way bulb into a standard lamp?

You are the three way bulb and if you are not plugged into Jesus, you can follow the way, but truth will not shine and the life you could have had in Christ will never appear.

Christians who are not plugged into Jesus are like that three way bulb in an on/off lamp. They are the ones that show up on Christmas and Easter. Maybe they attend church regularly. Is once a month regular? Sure why not. How about weekly or even twice a week? Sure, it is all about the bulb.

Each and every one of us is a three way bulb because we were created in the image of God, the Triune God. Nothing differs in any of us except this one thing; where are you plugged in?

If you are plugged into Christ my three way friend, which illumination setting are you? Off, one, two or full illumination? Not sure? Don’t concern yourself too much with that question.

The bulb doesn’t control the illumination switch.

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