
Day 7 of the Questions for Mark study and here is the question.

“What characterizes each of the four responses to Jesus’ words?”

My answer is faith. I know that isn’t what anyone expected to hear and I understand why. Nothing in Mark’s version nor Matthew 13’s telling says anything about faith, but there it is as the root of the problem.

Mark 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

If you are in Christ the mysteries of the Kingdom are known. You still have these parables but do you see them as they apply to you or only to the lost? What would this parable look like if all four scenarios were applied to your present day bible study?

The Word fell by the wayside. Wouldn’t that look like that bible sitting on your coffee table that never gets opened? It isn’t making any difference in your life unopened and Satan continues to peck away at you without the Word to help you.

The Word falling on stony ground would look like a man (or woman) whose heart is hardened by unforgiveness. Isaiah 1:13a Bring no more vain oblations;

The Word falling on thorns might look like those of us who only turn to the word when trouble comes and we have nowhere else to turn.

The word falling on good ground is where we pick up the word for the sake of the relationship, that we love His word, we crave it “as the roe panteth”.

We all have faith but how do we use it appropriately? Can you see the root being foundational and necessary for life and growth?

Or does your faith sit on the coffee table alongside your bible unused?


Day 6 of the Questions for Mark study and here is the devotional question.

“What are the various voices of opposition to Jesus’ ministry and what are their charges?”

Mark 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

There is only one who opposes Christ and he is the Anti-Christ. Granted he has many voices for all who serve him are in league with the father of lies. During my early days of conversion I was thought to be mad. My own son thought the men in white coats and a strait jacket were coming for me. So drastic was my conversion that comments like “What’s gotten into you?” and “Who do you think you are?” were cast in my direction.

Now let us look at Jesus answer to the accusation. In His temptation in the wilderness Jesus quotes the scriptures in response to those accusation. This is how He answers here.

Ezekiel 37:22 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.

There are going to be many who at first sight do not get it, but here is Jesus prophetic and historical perspective. He knows the scripture better than any and speaks to the issues of division and God’s plan to end this division.

Only by studying and knowing the scriptures can we see God’s plan enacted. What mankind has done to divide God’s people at the hands of Satan can only be undone by God. It is for this reason as much as any that Christ has come, to unify the faith and draw the bride into unity, into oneness, to be whole again.

Daily Christian Devotionals