
Psalm 1116:1-2 I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.

My very first instinct upon reading this verse was, “Man is this guy ever shallow.” Talk about the me, me, me syndrome. How selfish can you get? Then the Lord reminded me of my very first supplication to Him.

“Save me from what I am!”

That was back in 1964 and I can tell you it wasn’t long before I forgot what I had asked. Life happens and more important issue arise before our eyes that need attention. Issues that are settled seem to fade into memory. It isn’t that we have failing memories, as is my case now. We are for the most part momentary people. We deal with this moment, this problem, this need, and yes this desire.

Worst of all I sit in judgment of a man who expresses my exact history. I just forgot what it was like back then. I forgot how it felt to be desperate. I forgot how it felt to be “out of control”. I forgot how it felt to want to be anybody but myself.

Romans 8:24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

I see it, my hope. That which I had hoped for was made real. Granted there are things which I hope to see in the future based on God’s promises, but that which has been given is mine and I no longer hope for it. Hope looks forward, not to the past.

Lord change my heart that I will not be so quick to judge another’s words. Amen

My Truth

Revelation 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Two valued brothers in the Lord read the same passage and one says it means this. The other says I have studied this to the fullest and I disagree and it means this. It matters not the scripture or who is right or wrong. Now you may begin by telling me it does matter and disagree with me. That’s OK. I do not need you to agree with me. I need you to agree with God.

Why men see truth falls under three categories for me. I am talking about me here, this is my truth.

We accept things to be true at times because they make us feel good. We will seek comfort and settle for peace. That is fine as long as the issue under dispute isn’t foundational. Foundational truths affect individual salvation. God cares enough to make the simple gospel truth easy to understand and accept. It is when we start making attachments to salvation and making it conditional salvation where we go wrong. God corrects those errors.

We accept things to be true because we can see the reasoning behind it. Paul reasoned in the synagogues with the Jewish believers based on the Old Testament revelation of Jesus Christ. It is within the realm of salvation to be reasoned with to come to the truth. When it comes to non-essentials it is not only possible but even likely that reasoning will take two educate men in different directions. It does not matter who is right or wrong or even what the truth is over the issue. The important matter is are you going to allow your opinion stand in the way of loving your brother? Agreeing to disagree isn’t loving, but you are free to disagree with me.

My truth is that I can be wrong. I leave room for God to reveal what He wants me to believe, for whatever end He has purposed.

Relationship has to come first.

Daily Christian Devotionals