
Ecclesiastes 5:7 English Standard Version (ESV) For when dreams increase and words grow many, there is vanity; but God is the one you must fear.

When we learn the lessons of yesterday and choose to learn our lessons from the mistakes of the past rather than making them ourselves we will grow in Christ and begin to find those gifts the Lord has given.

Ephesians 4:8 English Standard Version (ESV) Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.”

Having our spiritual eyes and ears opened we begin to see things in a new light and know the truth when we hear it. There are gifts given to men to serve God, to honor Him and to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. The better we get at using these gifts the more we are in danger of becoming vain.

Ego allows an athlete to perform at the highest levels because he has confidence in his talent, training, and knowledge. Ego allows us to perform rather than fear failure. Ego says look at me.

These gifts Christ has endowed us with are not for our glory and we must understand if we begin to believe those gifts are ours to possess, then we may well find the ground upon which we stand to quake. The fear spoken of in Ecclesiastes 5:7 means to tremble as one who stands upon ground created and controlled by the living God. We often lose sight of that fact when everything seems to be going right.

None of us are immune to feeling pleased when everything is going well. We become confident in our walk and become less aware of Who we walk with in the Way. We can and often do step out in faith without hearing the command. “Stop wait.” Then we find ourselves moving in our own strength and ability.

There is no honor in “doing it my way.”


2 Samuel 12:1a English Standard Version (ESV)And the Lord sent Nathan to David.

Have you read the story of David and Bathsheba? It is a famous tale which has many salient points. Here we see the Lord sending Nathan to rebuke David for sins committed. King David was God’s anointed and since God knows all thing including the intentions of the heart, why wait until after David sinned? Why not prevent David from sinning by sending Nathan at 2 Samuel 11:1?

Over the years I have studied these chapters over and over again and have discovered many of the attributes of sin in the passages. I could see how sin presented itself in my life and the warning signs where there for me to read. However I read them after I had already sinned. I have not sinned some of the sins of David, but the truth about the nature of sin remains the same.

Then there was God’s merciful nature in forgiving David’s sins. There was also the inevitable truth that even forgiveness does not alter the consequences of sin. The only way to avoid the consequences of sin is to deny sin. Had I studied or been taught those lessons before I sinned my own sins, perhaps I might have avoided some of my own consequences. Then again, maybe not.

Words keep ringing in my ears; “Dad I have to make my own mistakes.”

Later the most hurtful words were uttered. “You were right.”

Every ugly mistake man could ever make are written in the bible. Why not learn from them and avoid the consequences of sin? Part of me understands that God allows us free will so that we can see for ourselves what kind of person we are and decide for ourselves that change is required. Another part of me sees that just reading the Word of God has changed me.

God allows. God allows just so much. God knows when to send a prophet. Will we listen or insist on making our own mistakes?