In His Eyes

Proverbs 14:34 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) Righteousness makes a nation great, but sin degrades any people.

I like this version of this proverb. Others use words like disgrace, shame, and reproach. One even goes so far as to say diminishes but I have to ask, in who’s eyes?

There are a fair amount of people in this world that deny they have sin, and that their behavior is acceptable. In who’s eyes?

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them? Really, in who’s eyes? God’s of course. This word given by Isaiah was at the behest of God. You see if no one can do anything about your sin, what does it matter who’s eye is upon you.

Only God has rightly dealt with sin. At this point you may argue that sin still exists, so God has not dealt with it. He has in His sight, in His eye, just not yours. I know that sounds like double talk but think about it, if God has dealt with sin, why do you still have a problem with it?

I think it is because you haven’t seen it through His eyes. You think your sin is yours and it belongs to no one else. In God’s eye He put in all on His Son Jesus Christ and crucified it, sin, the penalty of sin is death. Sin has been executed.

So the sin you sin today, Christ died for on the Cross. How does that make you feel? Does that encourage you to go ahead and sin more because God doesn’t see it?

Try looking at it from God’s perspective. That is not a loving response to a loving gift. If you do not have a respectful attitude about this gracious gift, you have disrespected the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Disrespect is a form of rebellion.

Playing God

Judges 21:3 And said, O Lord God of Israel, why is this come to pass in Israel, that there should be to day one tribe lacking in Israel?

Questioning God is nothing new. Man has been doing it since the beginning. Worse yet, blaming God for all the bad things in their lives. That is saying “I could do a better job of being God.” Questioning God is playing God.

“You shall have no gods before me.”

That includes you and me. I am not God. As much as I would like to change things, to heal, to right wrongs, to be merciful, to be gracious and kind, I want from a human perspective. I want what I want. I’d be selective and that means exclusion, withholding from many because me ability to see is limited.

It occurred to me as I was thinking about this; what am I doing to make things better? Even on a personal level, doing the best I can, I am limited by my humanity. I can only do so much. Do I use that knowledge as an excuse for doing nothing?

There ae many humanitarians in the world doing good, maybe even great things, but they are not God and I cannot help but ask why. What is their true motive in doing good, to play god, to gain glory unto themselves? I do not know. I can only judge myself as to my own motivations. Am I loving and kind because God is loving and kind or because He truly changed me into the son He wants me to be?

I don’t want to play god. Neither do I want to play at being His son. I want to be His son. As such I can only follow the example set forth by my Lord and look to the Father for His will.

Then I shall be a son.