
Galatians 5:6b faith which worketh by love. KJV

Galatians 5:6b only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love. AMPC

AMPC is the Classic Amplfied version of the bible. If you are a purest when it comes to translations, you do not want anything added to a translation that is not found in the original text. In this case what has been added in the AMPC version is only, activated, energized, and expressed. A purest would leave out all those words.

Does leaving those words out mean that faith is not any of those things?

Only expresses the singular ability of faith to provide.

Activation is a great expression of faith which moves us to act.

Energize is a great expression of faith which provides the unction, a move of the Holy Spirit.

Expressed is a great expression of faith in voicing the mind of God.

The writers of the AMPC knew all these things and more by faith. Emphasis may not be pure translation of vocabulary but it is great spiritual expression of those things which can be missed or taken for granted.

In Sunday school I was accused of using many words just to say I agreed with a comment. It was true but what I heard in the spirit went far beyond just the words heard. I changed nothing in context or content, but I AMPC the answer in the same manner and with the same enthusiasm.

I felt in the spirit more than a simple AMEN. What she said was, “AMEN means let it be so with me.”

As simple as it is, faith means a lot more than belief. AMEN?

Leave Room

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

Yesterday I offered up an opinion on correction that tried to make the focus on behavior first. When correction needs to be made, how that correction is offered will have a great deal of influence on relationships. I open with this verse today to point out comfort in togetherness. One who needs correction is still a member of the body of Christ and the soothing balm of healing needs to be applied rather than cutting with the sharp knife.

Leave room for the Lord to work in your conversations. Do not wield the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) at your members, you will end up cutting yourself. Leave the Sword of the Spirit to battle the enemy, as it is meant to do His will.

If you truly know the Word of God, seek passages that will edify and bring comfort to both you and the one who needs correction. Grace is the balm that sooths the soul, for both of you, together. The bond of peace in fellowship is more important that minor differences between members.

If the error comes from leadership, it is not the place of the children to correct that error. The eldership will address any important errors which lead to division within the body. The object must always be in creating closer bonds in fellowship.

The Lord has given us many examples of how to deal with one another in the scriptures. Applying those lessons as soothing balms of grace allows the Holy Spirit to work where contentions only make divisions greater.

This is a lesson for all of us, the young in Christ and the more mature. We should all learn from grace in action.