Good Enough

Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

Jesus Christ was perfect in performance. He would not allow Himself to be called good. Some might look at that statement and see perfect humility. Maybe so, but I see something else. It is subtle and I have no idea how it must feel, not yet anyway, but I can see it.

Jesus was with the Father and chose to subject Himself to all that man had to endure in being human. What He had to give up to come here we can only imagine, and imagine I do. God the Father is perfect and Holy in a way that no man can be. Sin could never approach Him, much less touch Him. Jesus had to endure that, the Father did not, could not, for His Holiness is an all-consuming fire that destroys all that is sinful in thought and action.

Did Jesus, as the man, know what He had given up to be here for us? Perhaps, but how could He express that in any terms that we as mere mortals could ever understand? He hints of the mysteries. He reveals Himself, but we catch glimpse of His Glory and not all of it. Just the depth of His love is difficult to grasp and we struggle with that alone, much less the deeper and more profound truths of living a life like Christ.

Therein lies the problem. We try to attain the unattainable. Christ as much as told us, “Follow me!” It is a journey, we are pilgrims in a foreign land trying to get home. Perfection is not a state of being, it a walk, the path home. Keep on the path, that is good enough. Yes you will trip, yes you will fall, yes you will stop and rest, but do it on the path.

Stay in the Way.

John 14:6b I am the way, the truth, and the life:

Have You

Proverbs 15:23 A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!

Have you done this? Have you delivered the word of the Lord in due season, not your own words, the Lord’s words? I have and I have to admit, not enough. If you can you should. That begs to ask the hard question, why doesn’t it happen more often?

People are complicated. Relationships are complicated. We make assumptions rather than asking the hard questions. We look to the outward signs and never get into the hearts and minds of those we meet. That takes time. It takes commitment. It takes away from things we want to do.

I dare say we only get into those awkward moments when we attend a seminar or revival or training session specifically designed to take you to task. Outside those moment, how much of that probing into the heart of another do we do on a daily basis.

I’m too busy. They are too busy. I don’t want to be pushy. I don’t want to endanger our relationship.

What kind of a relationship do you have if you do not know how another feels about those things which mean the most to you? Or is it that those things you call important have nothing to do with kingdom living? We feel comfortable talking about football, food, movies, books, home and auto. So are you as comfortable talking about kingdom living?

Guys talk about car restoration with comfort but not so much with restoring your soul. We share that new recipe at every opportunity, but not what we discovered in God’s word today. If that is the case then I have to ask…..

Has your chewing gum lost its flavor on the bedpost overnight?