
Psalm 139:38 Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear.

This devotional is my thing, one of many, written by people of different religious persuasions, affiliations, backgrounds and training. No two should be alike, for we are all different. I do not stylize mine after anyone else’s, it has my own personal touch. My hope is that all devotionals serve the same purpose even if written within a different framework.

I am not a teacher, I do not write as a teacher. I am not a pastor, I do not write as a pastor. I have no degree, I am not a doctor of letters. I am a writer of sorts and like all writers I would like to think that I can in some way relate to my readers. I am a Christian, much the same as any other Christian. I suffer the same doubts and fears as do we all. I have had my share of temptations and tribulations. I have received help, in the form of men and in God’s grace.

My devotionals are a reflection of my devotion to God. It is not meant to be doctrine. It is how I see things, how God speaks to me, and since I am human, maybe you can relate. Maybe not. The last thing I want for you my readers is for this devotional to be your only contact with the Word of the Lord. It is not a study guide. If you find yourself questioning something that I write, by all means go to the Word and seek what God has to say to you on any subject. Let God have the last word.

This is not an inspirational. God inspires. I am devoted to God not this work. It too will pass away, like the flowers of the field, pretty for a season, but only lasts for a short time. Let the Word of God be implanted in your hearts where it will never wither nor fade.

2 thoughts on “Devotional”

  1. Your statement “I am devoted to God” was what “grabbed” me this morning. I wouldn’t know you if we were in an elevator together, but if there was a group of us with our Bibles open and were were in a discussion about our Savior, I would know you instantly. We have the greatest common denominator of all, His name is JESUS, and we both stand on the same solid ROCK, the Word of God. For all of your readers, I would like to quote part of a song that I love…..”The Bible stands like a rock undaunted midst the raging storms of time. It’s pages burn with the truth eternal, and they glow with the light sublime.” Thank you , loving Father, for Your precious Word, the Bible, and thank you dear brother, for being “His cup” and being willing to be “poured out”!! I love you in Christ.

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