
Psalms 136b for his mercy endureth for ever.

I’ve been taught by trusted theologians that when something is important God repeats it in the bible. They make lengthy sermons which are sometimes based on how many times a word or phrase is repeated.

This phrase “for his mercy endureth for ever” appears 26 times in Psalm 136, in each and every verse. It is repeated so many times that by the end you are thinking “yeah, yeah, yeah”. That goes to an important issue that speaks to the very nature of man in relationships. We start taking one other for granted.

No one likes to be taken for granted. People have broken friendships apart for just that reason. It is a sign that your affection is fading. There are times in my life when I have done the very same thing to my God. The difference is that God isn’t human. He doesn’t cut you off because you have taken Him for granted. He isn’t human, He is God and His mercy endureth for ever.

Has it been awhile since you have had a meaningful conversation with God? Are you afraid to talk to Him because you think He might mention something about taking Him for granted? Is there something you don’t want to talk to Him about? Those are human reactions to human emotions, they aren’t God’s. He will surprise you with what He has to say, but you will never find out unless you turn around and talk to Him.

“for his mercy endureth for ever.”



Romans 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:

Ever been in a situation where you were sure that you heard God and you stepped out in faith only to begin doubting yourself? I dare say it has happened to all of us and that’s OK. Doubting yourself is not the same thing as doubting God. I know that if the thing you do in obedience of faith is time consuming, you will want to know that the time isn’t wasted. That’s only natural.

There are times when you act and receive confirmation immediately and that is a faith builder, you know you heard God because of the feedback. It isn’t always that way in the Kingdom. Part of it is because we are dealing with people who like you and I have free will. You put forth the effort so it’s out there. You cannot make people pick it up and use it as it is intended by God’s will.

What if a year goes by and God’s will was enacted finally on one who is ready to receive it. Is it possible they forgot you were involved? Sure. But who is to get the glory, you or God? Why God of course, so why are we worried?

For me nagging doubt was removed when I read one line of scripture. It freed me for the lingering doubt that I heard God at all. It also renewed my efforts to seek to know God’s will all the more. Ready? Here it is.

Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Since it is God who wills and does because it pleases Him you are relieved of the performance anxiety. Relax. Enjoy the ride.

Daily Christian Devotionals