
1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Knowitall, not a real word, but we use the term as if it were a proper noun. Does anyone really enjoy a know-it-all? You cannot tell them anything, they already know it all. The conversation is totally one sided, so why be in it at all!

There is one knowitall I love and will not live without. You guessed it, the Spirit of Truth, God Himself, the Holy Spirit. Unlike the human form of know-it-alls, He is not pushy, vain, or rude. I never get tired of listening to Him because He is loving, kind, and full of grace.

Unlike human know-it-alls, He will not share all He knows if asked. If I ask a question for which the answer has any implication of harm to anyone, even myself, He will tell me that it is not for me to know. I can live with that because I know He loves me.

Too wonderful is the answer to 1 Corinthians 2:9, just too wonderful. If we had the answer to that, what would we do with that knowledge? We are human, we would misuse it of course. We would cause damage to the Kingdom.

We don’t have to have all the answers. We need only trust in the One who does.


Philippians 2:12b work out own salvation with fear and trembling.

I studied diligently on the anointing yesterday. I focused on the oil. I had good stuff ready to publish and then I proof read it. It was hard and convicting. It wasn’t for you. It was meant for me. It will not get published.

There was this mechanic once, real or not, I do not know. He worked all day changing other people’s oil. He was good at his job but by the time he was through with his day, he just wanted to rest. Then one day as he drove to work his car threw a rod and ruined his engine. When he took into the shop, the mechanic looked at him and said, “When is the last time you changed your oil?”

Serving others is no excuse for failing to work out my own salvation. The fear and trembling part comes from knowing what will happen when you fail to do your own maintenance. Salvation maintenance is not something you can leave to your pastor or Sunday school teacher. You have to do it yourself.

A good devotional is one in which the word has been applied to the author’s life first and well tested. I lost sight of that and God was gracious enough to call me on it.

Psalm 26:2 Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.

Daily Christian Devotionals